That means cuddling with you on his big ol pillow, even if you’re taller or shorter then him, he will have your chest on his chest and face in your hair.

King makes sure you’re by his side for the rest of the night.Meliodas got tf beaten out of him by Diane, Ban, King, Merlin, Gowther, and Hawks, because of course hawks drinks that repesct all human and creature JUICE.King shoots tf up from his place on the table.“MELIODAS!” You whine, basically squealing as he touched you.Meliodas, of course being the perv gropes you before your shift ends.The tavern is basically closed at this point, so got free time. “She’s working dumbass.” Ban laughs as you walk over.“Where’s Y/nnnn? I want my Y/n…” He whines while his eyes are closed, half asleep on the table.After he drinks all night with Ban, he’ll be whining for you.You wear Meliodas’s stupid boarhat uniform, despite what you identify as.Because you’re dating king, you know all the Sins, therefore you travel with them, in the Boarhat.This fairy is very touchy feely when you’re alone, very reserved in public though.King is a very sensitive person, so he likes his s/o to kinda baby him i suppose.so it the writing is a little off, thats why! I hope you like it A/N oh fuck yeah bro! i’m writing this on mobile because im too lazy to get my laptop and lamp turned on.